A Proud Tradition of Service Since 1958

Bartlett V6-CF Control



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Note this is the instrument/touch pad only. Please contact us to purchase complete control packages. We customize control packages to suit each kiln.

24-key membrane switch keypad
Selectable # of Zones (or Thermocouples), from 1 to 3
PID control algorithm
Can store up to 6 Ramp/Hold programs (last fired program remains in memory)
8 Segments per program (each segment has a ramp rate to a temperature, and a soak period) , with an option to combine User programs 5 and 6 to get a 16 segment program
Ability toSkip-Step(move from one segment to the next ramp)
4 speeds of Preset Conefire Programs , Slow Bisque, Fast Bisque, Slow Glaze, Fast Glaze
Ability to perform a ConeFire to RampHold firing
Ability to perform a delayed start of the kiln
Error Codes
Computer Interface Available


Click here for videos on control operation

Click here for the Bartlett V6-CF manual